

Safeguarding under 18s

As an experienced educational provider to teenagers worldwide, 

the safeguarding of students has been our main priority to ensure the overall well-being of each student during their time with us.

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Safeguarding Policy


The safeguarding and welfare of all students is of prime importance to JoStudy English Academy

All staff in school are DBS police checked with an Enhanced Disclosure.

The safeguarding team in school is available to help you with any problems.
If you need help or any advice you can speak to any staff members as everyone is trained to be able to help you.

If you are ill or you can’t attend the class you MUST tell your group leader who will inform the school of your absence.

Students under 18 are not allowed to go out without an adult or without a
written confirmation from a group leader or parent/guardian.

You will find more information in the Student Handbook and the full
Safeguarding policy which is available on our website.


english students exploring jostudy residence


To be updated

Welfare and Safety


  1. The safeguarding manual is included in every team member’s staff handbook.
  2. The safeguarding policy under 18s is being introduced during the staff induction.
  3. All members of staffs undergo appropriate DBS check.
  4. A safeguarding team, consisting of both designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and
    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL).
  5. Any low-level concern issue must be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
    (DSL) without any private investigation.
  6. The adults to student’s ratio are kept appropriately at 1:15.
  7. The staffs are available 24 hours a day for any issue that may arise.
  8. All students are constantly under the adults’ supervision.


  1. Male and female students are always located in different residences.
  2. A mix of single, twin, and multi-bedded rooms is offered in the rooms, to ensure each student has enough space.
  3. Students under 18s and over 18s are always located in separate flats.

For detailed information on our safeguarding procedures please follow the attached link.

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